-OPRC Convention and Effective Use of PAJ OSR Eguipment-
March 4 & 5,1996
Petroleum Association of Japan
Title |
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PAJ Oil Spill Symposium '96
"OPRC Convention and Effective Use of PAJ OSR Equipment" |
Date |
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March 4(Mon.) & 5(Tue.), 1996 |
Venue |
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Hotel Okura (South Wing 2F, Room Momoyama)
2-10-4, Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105, Japan
Telephone : +81-3-3224-6650
Objective of the symposium : |
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OPRC Convention was effectuated in May 1995 and became into effect in Japan from January 17 1996.
Under these circumstances, PAJ hold the Symposium 96 to discuss the tasks such as education & training, international movement of personnel & equipment and others, taking into account of the effective utilization of PAJ OSR equipment.
Also, useful lectures for above discussions will be provided by authorities on the oil spill response.
Language | : | English and Japanese With simultaneous interpretation |
Organizer | : | Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ) |
Supporter | : | Ministry of International Trade & Industry of Japan (MITTI) |
Symposium Secretariat (contact) : |
Oil Spill Response Dept.
Petroleum Association of Japan
1-9-4, Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan
Telephone : |
+81-3-3279-3819 |
Facsimile: |
+81-3-3242-5688 |
P R O G R A M Day 1 Monday March 4
| Symposium Coordinator
Kenji Nishigaki / Oil Spill Response Dept. (PAJ)
10:00-10:30 |
- Opening Speech
- Masayoshi Okai
- Chairman of Transportation Committee, PAJ, President of General Sekiyu K.K.
- Speech by the Honorable Guest
- Agency of Mineral Resources & Energy, MITI
10:30-12:00 |
Key Note Speeches
- ① Effectuation of OPRC Convention and Perspective of IMO's Role
- Mr. G.S. Singhota
- Technical Officer, Marine Environment Division, IMO
- ② PAJ's Tasks in Oil Spill Response
- Nobutaka Miyazoe
- Managing Director, (PAJ)
12:00-13:30 |
13:30-14:00 |
Special SpeechesⅠ
- ③International Institution of Compensation for Oil Pollution
- Mr. Hideo Osuga
- Legal Officer, International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund
14:00-16:30 |
SessionⅠ【Contingency Plan and Training】
-Training Personnel-
- Saudi Arabia
- Mr. Abdulla Zaindin
- Global Oil Spill Coordinator, SAUDI ARAMCO
- United Arab Emirates
- Captain Colin Green
- Senior Oil Pollution Officer, ADNOC Oil Spill Response Centre
(15:00-15:20) |
Coffee Break
Mr. Hussein Rahmat
General Manager, Engineering & Safety Unit, PETRONAS
Mr. Raymond Tay
Deputy Controller, Port of Singapore Authority
Mr. Max Maloringan
Head of Corporate Center for Environment Protection, PERTAMINA
P R O G R A M Day 2 Tuesday March 5
10:00-10:30 |
Presentation of ResearchⅠ
- ④Outline of PAJ Study Programme on Self-Cleanup Mechanism of Ocean for Spilt Oil
- Mr. Yoshikuni Yakabe / Assistant Manager of Chemical Assessment Center
- Chemicals Inspection & Testing Institute
10:30-11:30 |
Special SpeechⅡ
- ⑤ National Contingency Plan of Japan
- Mr. Koichi Yunoki
- Director, Maritime Disaster Prevention Division, Japan Maritime Safety Agency
- ⑥Sea Prince Incident and its lessons
- Mr. Joe Nichols
- Technical Manager, International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation Limited (ITOPF)
11:30-12:00 |
Presentation of ResearchⅡ
- ⑦Demonstration of PAJ Diffusion-Drift Model
- Mr. Takashi Fujii
- Fujii Research Institute Corporation
12:00-13:00 |
SessionⅡ【Response to International Oil Spill Incident】
Current situation and Problems
13:00-13:30 |
Special SpeechⅢ
- ⑧International & Regional Cooperation and Problems associated with Movement of Resources
- Captain Chew Joo Kim
- East Asia Response Pte Ltd. (EARL)
13:30-13:40 |
Closing of Open Seminar
- Closing Remarks
- Masayosi Okai
- Chairman of Transportation , PAJ, President of General Sekiyu K.K.
13:40-14:00 |
Move to another room, Coffee Break
14:00-16:00 |
Discussions on Operating Field
[Training and Regional Cooperation]
-Personnel Training and Problem to be solved-
◆ | Coordinator | : |
Masataka Ogura |
| | : |
Chairman of Emergency Support Group |
| | : |
Oil Spill Response Committee, PAJ |
| Panelists | : |
Persons related to PAJ Bases |
| Foreign | : |
| Domestic | : |
Storage and Maintenance Contractors |
