"Threats to Major Oil Spill Response Regime"
Tuesday 18th, 2025
Petroleum Association of Japan
Title |
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PAJ 2025 Oil Spill Response Workshop
“Threats to Major Oil Spill Response Regime”
Date |
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Tuesday 18th (Thursday), 2025
Venue |
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Keidanren Kaikan
1-3-2, Ohtemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
Format |
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Virtual on line with limited physical attendance
Objectives |
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Each year Petroleum Association of Japan brings new and interesting topics to the workshop to illustrate the development of response and preparedness strategies based on the lessons learned from major incidents such as “Exxon Valdez” 1987, “Gulf War Oil Spill” 1991, “Nakhodka” 1997, “Deep Water Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico” 2010 and other notable events. This year Petroleum Association of Japan plans to hold the 12th Oil Spill Workshop to discuss the “Threats to Major Oil Spill Response Regime”.
One of the major concerns to all aspects of the oil industry currently is the rise in the incidents concerning the “Dark or Shadow Fleet” of tankers that are transporting sanctioned oil around the globe in inadequately insured tankers which are invariably old and not robustly or efficiently inspected, using unregulated sea routes to avoid detection. This fleet employs an estimate 600 plus vessels and there have been many incidents in the last 2 years that have caused great concern with the community that a major risk of multiple incidents in the future will not be properly insured and hence lead to major environmental and financial damage to the world community. Our workshop will highlight this situation and you will hear from all aspects of this issue, including the concerns of the International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund (IOPCF) with regards to the insurance aspect of the problem, from the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (ITOPF) on the technical aspects of dealing with these incidents and from a response organization who have had to respond to these incidents.
After all presentations have been given, the session will be opened to the audience of this Workshop for free discussion with each presenter to deepen and confirm understanding of the issues raised and to answer any questions that the audience may have.
Language |
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English & Japanese (with simultaneous interpretation)
Organizer |
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Petroleum Association of Japan (PAJ)
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Oil Spill Response Office, Safety & Management Department 1-3-2, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004
TEL: |
+81-3-5218-2306 |
FAX: |
+81-3-5218-2320 | |
PROGRAM Tuesday, February 18, 2025 |
13:30 |
- Opening Workshop
13:35 |
- Opening Address
- Mr. Yasuhiko Oshida
- Senior Vice President, ENEOS Corporation
- Chairman, OSR Measures Committee, PAJ
13:40 |
- Speech by Honorable Guest
- Mr. Takuma Hori
- Fuel Supply Infrastructure Policy Division
Natural Resources and Fuel Department
Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI
13:45 | |
- Keynote Speech
“The risk of uninsured and unsafe ships – An IOPCF’s perspective” -
The International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds (IOPC Funds)
14:30 | |
- “An ITOPF Perspective on Recent Spill Call-outs and Observed Trends”
Technical Director
International Tanker Owners’ Pollution Federation (ITOPF)
15:10-15:20 — Break —
15:20 | |
- “Managing the unexpected - Analyzing the OPERATION GULFSTREAM 2024 response and sharing lessons learned from the oil spill response and wreck removal of an uninsured “dark fleet” vessel in Trinidad and Tobago”
Vice President, Operations and Emergency Response
QT Environmental, Inc.
16:05 | |
- “Regional collaboration in marine spill preparedness and response - Challenges and Opportunities in Southeast Asia”
GI SEA Project Manager
International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation
Association (IPIECA)
16:50 | |
Open Session with Speakers
17:20 |
- Closing Remarks
- Mr. Shinya Okuda
- Senior Managing Director, PAJ
*Please note that the program is subject to change without prior notice.
